A newborn can only be brought home from the hospital in a car seat. Here are some tips on how to make the best choice, including characteristics to look out for and how to decide between an infant car seat and a convertible. Visit us at adviserbaby.com to learn more.

To be secure, invest in a new seat
You naturally want to know the safest car seat. However, every car seat that is now on the market has been examined and given the all-clear to meet current safety requirements. The most crucial thing you can do is get a new car seat and not accept a hand-me-down because safety technology advances so often.

Pay attention to the most crucial elements
Whether you’re buying an infant car seat or a convertible car seat, seek a model that features a 5-point harness, side-impact safety, and compatibility with the LATCH system at the lower end of the pricing range.

Expect extra features, such as an anti-rebound bar at the foot of the seat that reduces movement after a crash, if you can afford to get a luxury car seat that costs more than $200. Cashier fabric, add-ons like a tiny “boot” around the baby’s feet, and a bigger canopy are additional features that raise the price.

Pick an item that is simple to clean
Smooth fabric seats will be easier to clean than textured fabrics like corduroy. This one is more about cleaning than safety, but it’s also a plus if it’s simple to clean.

Choose a product that includes both text and installation diagrams
To increase your chances of installing the seat correctly, use all the instructions you can, including the diagrams on the seat itself and those in the instruction booklet, which you should always keep with the seat.

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